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Become a part of The Bharat Pacific Community.

What is The Bharat Pacific Community?

The Bharat Pacific Communities are created & maintained by the Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law as an AI Industry Forum, focusing on inclusive ways to help people engage and understand on how businesses, creative works, legal practices and policies artificial intelligence are made.


There are multiple ways that you can engage with us.

Level 0: Subscribe for our Openly Available Insights and Communities on Social Media

Daily & Weekly AI & Policy Updates

Watch AI and Law Converge: Subscribe to Bharat Pacific on YouTube

Read our Literature

The Bharat Pacific Podcast

Engage, Discuss about Technology & Policy

Level 0.5: Get Updates from our Newsletter

Level 1: Stay Updated with our Media Releases

Level 2: Become an Annual ISAIL Member

There are so many benefits if you become a member of ISAIL.


Once you become a member, you can engage as a student (or scholar) / professional (check guidelines) and participate in our Committee Sessions, or even self-nominate to be a part of those committees we have. 

But wait, why do those committees matter so much? The answer lies in the purpose.


ISAIL Committees are regularly involved in hosting key discussions (not talk shop or business media-led 'panel discussions' for policy glamour, but real discussions) with startups, and law, tech & policy specialists.


As a committee member, you can also engage with us and develop outcome documents which could also encompass your value as a professional.


At the same time, while we offer students virtual internships, legal professionals & law students for sure can build their research portfolio for future career options, while technology and non-legal professionals can learn from these discussions as committed members of a larger independent India-inclusive technology community.


The list of benefits is clearly specified here.​

Step 1: Send your CV and contact information to


Step 2: You'll receive an email to confirm if your application needs verification. If it does, send the necessary documents (for example, CV / Resume) for verification purposes.


Step 3: After approval, complete the registration fee payment. Once you confirm your proof of payment to us, you'll become a member, and we'll send your membership certificate.


Step 4: Join the ISAIL Members Community and connect with us (We will send details).

You can join via Whatsapp, Substack or both.

Registration Fees

Student Members - 500 INR (subject to renewal every year)

Professional Members - 2000 INR (subject to renewal every year)

Life Members - 30,000 INR (one-time)


The Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law is a technology law industry forum founded by Abhivardhan in 2018. Our mission as a non-profit industry forum for the analytics & AI industry in India is to promote responsible development of artificial intelligence and its standardisation in India.


Since 2022, the research operations of the Society have been subsumed under VLiGTA® by Indic Pacific Legal Research.

ISAIL has supported two independent journals, namely - the Indic Journal of International Law and the Indian Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Law. It also supports an independent media and podcast initiative - The Bharat Pacific.

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