Position Statement on Human Behaviour Affecting the AI Models
Submitted by Ananya Saraogi, Research Intern.
One of the positive aspects of the pandemic is the emergence of the digital world. The forecast of the increase in the usage and abilities of Artificial Intelligence has been the highlight of several articles and seminars.
The pandemic has also limited the indulgence of the public in e-commerce due to the inability of the sites to provide the goods to the customers. This has in turn also reduced the demand of the goods thereby causing disruption in the functioning of the algorithm in AI. The content that has been collected by various websites and producing the requisite information in the form of automation. The accuracy of the system has led to minimal human interference. Various tech-analysts have come to the near conclusion of Artificial Intelligence being the penultimate solution to the upcoming issues.
A system having the capability to grasp, accustom and respond according to the situation and the environment; is built up in accord to the algorithm. What does not fit into to the algorithm is the capability to increase the marginalized profit. Automation has been the future but there have been multiple flaws to it.
The biggest flaw is the neglect of foreseeing the worst situation. Algorithms are created at a very superficial level wherein they are unable to prevent the mishaps in the webspace in an effective manner. The article has tried to encompass the area of e-commerce which is easier for the readers to understand that any automated system cannot be self-reliant. There has to be strict control and surveillance on the same.
Considering the recent examples of certain apps that have not only infringed privacy but also opened the doors to the black market of the web. The world evolves with change and enhancement in respect of thoughts over social issues or the policy administration. A similar change is required for an algorithm for which an external source i.e. human intervention is arbitrary to avoid any further mishap.
AI has a prospective approach but needs to be dealt with due diligence and scrutiny. It is after all the culmination of a new definition of a machine and every machine requires repairment.
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